It's not enough to make the world's clearest sunglasses. We're growing a community, and making the world a better place along the way. We're BajĂ­o. Located in New Smyrna Beach, Florida. Named for the flats (bajĂ­os) that we love.

Join us. Fish more. See stuff.

Fish Like You Give A Damn

We put our money where we fish. Right back into the flats, shallows and nursuries to help keep them  healthy and fishy for the next generation. From beach clean-ups, mangrove planting, reef resortation, oyster planting and community events. Bajío is there and committed to make the world a better place.

BajĂ­o lenses block out the bad & let in the good

All lenses in all of our frames come with our patent pending blue light blocking LAPIS™ Patent pending technology, blocking 95% of blue light.

Spot your fish and feel great too!