By T. Edward Nickens

BTT’s discovery of a bonefish pre-spawning aggregation site in the Florida Keys is another hopeful sign of recovery.

In 2021 Bonefish & Tarpon Trust set out to find the Holy Grail for flats fisheries advocates: a spawning location for Florida Keys bonefish. The three-year research project—which is still ongoing—involved extensive interviews with fishing guides, and intensive monitoring of tagged bonefish over the last two years.

Then in April of this year, a team of tireless BTT researchers led by Dr. Ross Boucek found the grail: a pre-spawning aggregation (PSA) numbering thousands of bonefish!

Now, everyone involved knows that the hard work lies ahead: Protecting the area that is so vital to the future of bonefish in Florida.

Read the full article in the Bonefish & Tarpon Journal:

Image Credit: Ian Wilson