The killer of all creativity is often a corporate ladder. Cool projects that require immediate action often die through a maze of emails, reviews, and referrals. Customer service is the same way. If you call to check on your shades you’re not looking for a “let me get back to you”, you’d rather hear a “let me look.”

We’re not some giant segmented foreign machine, we’re just little Bajío, and we’re all under one roof. Where customer service is a glass door away from our seasoned lens cutters, and marketing is ten-floor tiles apart from our optical specialists. 

Where questions. Get. Answered.

So our pitch is not just that we assemble, ship, market, warranty, and design our frames in a small Florida field, but that all of this comes together to bring you the best product, service, and experience with unmatched in-house speed, backing the sharpest optics you can find in any field.