Murray State University
College Ambassador: Braiden Koerber
Largemouth/Smallmouth Bass: With Kentucky Lake right down the road, it doesn’t take long to get hooked up on one right after class.
River Spotted Bass: This feisty little guy can be found in the various creeks and rivers around the area and can be a great change up to a day of fishing.
White Crappie: One of the most abundant species around and also one of the better tasting as well, it doesn’t take long to figure out how to target these guys for pleasure or for the platter.
Kentucky Lake: “The South’s Great Lake” this massive fishery extends 183.9 miles across 2 different states is one that would take a lifetime of angling to experience its entirety. This lake isn’t truly a “Lake” but is a river impoundment that is a part of the TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority). This lake is suitable to just about any kind of angler, with anything from Big Larry Largemouth on Ledges to shallow flats with biggin’s in the bushes, or freakshow smallmouth on the main river bars there is more than one way to catch them on this place.
Clarks River: This hidden gem is located about 3 miles outside of campus it doesn’t take long to find yourself on the banks on this little river hooked up on a little largemouth or a mean little spotted bass, walking the bank or wading in the summer time is the best was to attack this fishery, take a small group with you and you can have a great time.
The Murray State Bass Anglers: This is our fishing team here at Murray State, there is no shortage of fishy people here. If the sun is shining, someone on the team- if not multiple - are fishing, so there are plenty of opportunities to hop in the boat and get on the water.
Kentucky Lake Outdoors: Is the biggest tackle store, with the most variety of lures to choose from, that is closest to the school. Any time of year, any lures you are in search of, they probably have them.
Fast Eddies Bait & Tackle: Another great option to satisfy your tackle desire needs, not a very far commute from campus, this store has just about everything you will need for a day on the water, as well as gas pumps and some delicious food for after being on the water all day.